Salt Women

At Salt, us girls love to do life together.  We place value on womanhood and the sisterhood we belong to.  Together we want to grow in our relationship with God and one another, realise our purpose and potential and impact our world. We provide many opportunities for you to be inspired and to connect with other women of all ages.

Activities include:

Wordtime is about bringing women and girls from all walks of life, together four times a year. We believe that together we are stronger, our influence is greater and our need for heart connection is met.

Save these dates and gather up your girlfriends for Wordtime 2019!
Saturdays: 23th Feb, 25th May, 31st August and 30th November.
Follow our Facebook page to find out 'when' and 'where' we will be meeting.

Women’s Life Group
Operating weekly on a Thursday evening, this group is always open to new-comers and is ideal for working women and mums to receive input for their spiritual journey as well as finding friendship with other women in our Salt community. For venue details check out our Life Groups page.

Mums Connect
We are a group of mums who catch-up for coffee, conversation and a discussion around relevant topics, such as parenting and family life each week, Wednesdays at 9.30am.
A supportive and encouraging group where new people are always welcome! For more details, head to our Life Groups page.